November 22, 2010

Fuck Love - Lady Lucy "Kiss of Fate" Katey Parker

Fuck love, fuck me and fuck you,
Fuck life, fuck the world and your friends too,
Fuck the seconds, fuck the minutes and fuck the hours,
Fuck the presents, fuck the chocolates and fuck the flowers,
Fuck the good time and fuck the bad times,
Fuck Love and fuck Valentines,
Fuck your feelings, fuck my feelings and fuck your heart,
Fuck the haters and fuck whoever for breaking us apart,
Fuck you again for playing with my head,
My middle finger is now what you get,
Fuck me for putting up with your shit,
Fuck you always and forever over and over again,
Fuck all the time that together we spend,
Fuck the poems, fuck the letters and all the E-mails that I send,
Fuck love songs, fuck love stories and fuck cupid,
There is no happily ever after your stupid,
Fuck the sky, fuck the stars and fuck the moon,
Payback will hunt you back soon,
And fuck the time you made my heart burst like a balloon,
Fuck the present, fuck the future and fuck the past,
I woke up from this nightmare time when by fast,
Fuck what you hear and fuck what your friends think,
Because in this sea of tears I will not sink,
Fuck the leaves, fuck the roses and fuck the grass,
My heart is unbreakable its not make of glass,
Fuck school and fuck my poetry class,
You left me so what kiss my fucken ass,
Fuck your lips, fuck your eyes and fuck your smile,
I did cry for a minute but not for a long while,
Fuck the games that you play, you still act like a child,
Fuck your fake tears and fuck your lies,
Fuck the bees, the birds and the buterflies,
Fuck it I guess I am not misses nice,
Fuck this, fuck that and all of the above,
But most of all fuck me for falling in love.

- "Kiss of Death" Nikki Two-Face